Varla Ventura

writer, traveler, lover of the strange

Beat the Drum Slowly! Winners Have Been Chosen!

Ah, at long last. I know I told you I’d announce the winners by early June but guess what? There were A LOT of entries and I had to sift through (with great pleasure) many wonderful stories. I can honestly say I’ve never enjoyed a contest more! So to every one of you who sent in an entry, I thank you. And I want you to know I agonized over the winner. I chose a winner, a second place and—because I wanted to—a runner up/honorable mention. Each of these will be published over the next three days for your reading enjoyment, beginning tomorrow (which might be today for you). If you are a prize winner, I have already contacted you and if you are wondering where your prize is…well, it’s on the way! Rahlly it is!

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