Varla Ventura

writer, traveler, lover of the strange

Bizarre Book Giveaway!

Attention fans of the freaky and the free! My publisher, Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC, and I are teaming up for a briliantly bizarre giveaway. Here are the devilish details:

Opens May 2, 2012 – Closes May 31, 2012, United States only

The Prize:

If you already have a copy of my book(s) I can sign and send to ANYONE in the U.S. So if you want it to say “Dear Aunt Eleanor, You are weirder than me Love, Varla and Mike” I am totally willing!

How to Enter*:

  • Subscribe to THE BLOG OF THE BIZARREΒ {+1 point}
  • β€œLike” theΒ Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC Facebook pageΒ (they do a TON of giveaways weekly, so you may want to check them out regardless!)Β {+1 point}
  • Follow me,Β @VarlaVenturaΒ on TwitterΒ {+1 point}

*Comment on this post indicating which of the above you’ve done (I’ll be checking, so no cheaters!) and tell me what your favorite magical creature is. Mad for monsters or gaga for goblins? Cuhrayzee for banshees or wild for werewolves? I wanna know! Check out my Magical Creatures eBook collection for inspiration.

I’ll then go through all the entries and choose someone at random as the winner. Remember, the more points you have the more times your name will be entered, so you’ll have a better chance at the prize.

Good night, and good luck!

43 thoughts on “Bizarre Book Giveaway!”

  1. Angela Powell

    My favorite magical creature is the Siren, especially under the folklore that they were jilted witches who turn to revenge.
    I just started following you on Facebook. πŸ™‚

  2. added Red Wheel to my facebook page.My favorite magical creature is a fairy. I like elves also. good or bad.

  3. ~Hey there Varla, I am now a proud subscriber to the Blog of the Bizarre and have “liked” the awesome Red Wheel/Weiser facebook fan page πŸ™‚ …As far as magical creatures go, I’m gonna have to say Vampire and Mermaid. Just can’t choose between the two! ~

  4. Tabatha Reagin

    I couldn’t figure out how to subscribe but am following the blog!
    I have liked Red Wheel/ Weiser LLC on Facebook.
    I am following @VarlaVentura on Twitter @tabathareagin

    I would actually love to learn more on Mermaids. They fascinate me.

  5. I did all three: subscribed, liked, and followed. πŸ™‚

    Picking just one favorite magical creature is impossible, but gryphons are always at the top of the love list.

  6. faerycharming

    I followed your blog and lIked Red Well on FB. Sorry I don’t tweet. Other than that — pick me! Pick me!

  7. Daniel B. Knirs

    I think I accomplished all of the above except I don’t use twitter so did not do that. Was to fun to pass up. πŸ™‚

  8. Leola Edgerton

    Subscribed – check (laedgerton)
    Liked – check (Leola Edgerton)
    Followed – check (LeolaE)
    Now for my choice of magical creatures…it is hard to decide. I love fairies and werewolves. I know it seems odd to like two so different creatures but then again I am odd.

  9. I’ve done all of the required things.. πŸ™‚ (Blessed Beltane) I love gryphons, water/forest/flower fairies, the Phoenix and the Thunderbird of Native American legend. Thanks.

  10. All 3 — Zia Nuray on FB liked, Zia following on Twitter, and fifthhouse at gmail subscribed to blog

  11. I am following your blog (which looks fascinating, btw!) and I liked Red Wheel/Weiser on FB. I think my favorite magical creatures are ghosts, if they count as magical creatures. πŸ™‚ My daughter’s favorite is definitely fairies!

  12. Oh yes, and my favorite my favorite magical creatures tend to be elves. As someone with a messy house, I’d love a Brownie or House Elf. Thanks for the opportunity to win your books!

  13. I followed you on Twitter (missjackilyn) & liked the Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC Facebook page!

    Fave creature of a bizarre nature? Why the Jersey Devil of course!

    Awesome giveaway<3

  14. I subscribed to the blog (, followed you on twitter(@queenmargaery) and liked the facebook page.
    As for magical creatures, I’m a sucker for unicorns and mermaids. πŸ™‚

    Thank you so much for the giveaway!

  15. Followed with wordpress/email as

    Followed on Twitter as @lilboxism

    Liked Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC on Facebook as Lilian Cheng

    My favorite creature is Medusa (is she a “Creature”?). Maybe I just have an affinity for greek mythology…but they have the best creatures.

    Lilian @ A Novel Toybox

  16. I Subscribe to THE BLOG OF THE BIZARRE (I follow you on Goodreads)

    I β€œLike” the Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC Facebook page

    clenna at aol dot com

  17. I’ve done all 3, and the unicorn hands down. Except I get PO’d when people present them as horses; as they’re more like goats, at least in delicacy.

  18. I did all 3, and my favorite is the Unicorn, when presented more like a goat/deer and less like a horse. Horse limbs are so heavy and ungainly.

  19. Cauleen Hansen (Lee Smith on Facebook, Rhiannonrowan on Twitter)

    Subscribed, liked, and followed! Thanks for having an awesome giveaway! My favorite magical creatures are fairies, they just have so much magic in them!

  20. Following your blog, following you on Twitter, & of course I like the Weiser page πŸ™‚

    Tough call on favorite magical creature…I like the Plat-eye a lot, and the ghostly hog-creature that supposedly haunts various parts of the American south (e.g. the one in the story “Raw Head & Bloody Bones”).

    Cool blog and books! Looking forward to seeing how the contest goes!

  21. I tried subscribing by email ( but I’m not sure if it worked, I’ve been ‘liking’ Red Wheel for a while now and just started following your tweets (@hamalane) as well.
    Magical creature? Lots of them, but I’ll guess I say a Dragon!

  22. I’m subscribed to the blog. I “like” Red Wheel/Weiser on Facebook. I follow Varla on Twiiter. My favorite creature would be the unicorn, but the unicorn that viciously kills people with its horn, not the pretty pastel Lisa Frank unicorns, ok?

  23. I β€œLike” the Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC Facebook page (Carolsue Anderson)
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  24. I don’t know how to subscribe to your blog, can you do it for me? I do follow you on Facebook as Carolsue Anderson, though.
    I like Dryads which are wood nymphs, who live in the forest and dress in flowing autumnal robes.
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

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