Bizarre News

Rattling Rafters and Haunting Moons

Recently I had the privilege of staying overnight at Preston Castle, an old boy’s reform school in Ione, California. It looms above the sleepy little gold rush town, peering down upon the vineyards and scraggly pines with half-shuttered window-eyes and a toothless brick grin. When we arrived the moon was on the rise, nearly full […]

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Glowing Clones

In South Korea, scientists have successfully cloned four beagles that glow red under ultraviolet light. During the day, the beagles appear normal, although their nails and abdomen are a red color. When placed under ultraviolet light, the beagle glows like a ruby. The scientist believe that by successfully inserting genes with a specific trait (glowing)

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Best fort ever

When the Lindley family of Porterville, California began work clearing the backyard of their new house, they found a lot more than they had bargained for. What they thought was a small sinkhole was, upon further investigation, an intricately-constructed UNDERGROUND LAIR.  The three-room structure had running water, electricity, and tin-lined walls, and officials suspect it

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