Varla Ventura

writer, traveler, lover of the strange

Glowing Clones

In South Korea, scientists have successfully cloned four beagles that glow red under ultraviolet light. During the day, the beagles appear normal, although their nails and abdomen are a red color. When placed under ultraviolet light, the beagle glows like a ruby.

The scientist believe that by successfully inserting genes with a specific trait (glowing) they are proving that this can be used as a platform to treat disease.

The puppies are all named “Ruppy”–a combination of “ruby” and “puppy”–and were made by inserting fluorescent genes into the skin cells of a beagle, placing them into an egg, and implanting them into the womb of a surrogate mother dog (a local mixed breed).

A South Korean scientist cloned glowing cats in 2007, and scientists in Japan, Europe, and the U.S. have cloned fluorescent mice and pigs.

2 thoughts on “Glowing Clones”

  1. caught you on coast to coast lsat night. very interesting storys, and george has the patience of a saint when people ramble on and can tactfuly get rid of them. the caller who talked about the dr. who lived with the mummified corpse, this was a real case that happened in florida in the 20’s or 30’s. i’ve seen programs on this i think on the history channel. after the dr. died and the ladys body was discovered it was displayed to the public(to include children on field trips) for a year. i don’t remember the man’s name or the city it took place in but i’m sure it was in florida.

    1. Thanks so much for listening. That is an amazing story and I took notes when the caller mentioned it. I will definitely research more. So bizarre!

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