Varla Ventura

writer, traveler, lover of the strange

Montana Woman Staves Off Bear With Vegetable!!!

A Montana woman was able to fend off a 200-pound black bear using the nearest object on her kitchen counter–a zucchini from her garden! When the woman’s 12-year-old collie was attacked by the bear just after midnight on the 22nd of September, her instincts were to reach for the nearest weapon. She went to her door and began to scream and make noise. The bear actually swiped at her leg and the woman jumped back, grabbed the 12-inch zucchini and flung it at the bear’s head. She hit it, and it fled! Just goes to show you never know when a vegetable will come in handy.

Just another strange story from the daily news. And don’t forget to tune in live or after the fact in podcast to hear me on Whispers Paranormal Radio with Nick Queen, in about 1/2 an hour! 3pm PST, 6pm, EST.


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